[debug] IPC#55: Got new UNIX connection, checking mode... [debug] IPC#55: Command processor added [debug] IPC#55: Received command SimpleCode [debug] Waiting for execution of M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g" [debug] Processing M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g" [debug] HTTP: Sent M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g", remaining space 1480, needed 56 [info] Executing nested macro file PrepPrinter.g on channel HTTP [debug] ==> Starting code: M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g" [debug] Waiting for execution of ;M117 "Printer Prepare Started" (macro code) [debug] Processing ;M117 "Printer Prepare Started" [debug] Waiting for execution of M561 (macro code) [debug] Completed ;M117 "Printer Prepare Started" [debug] Waiting for execution of G29 S2 (macro code) [debug] Processing M561 [debug] Waiting for execution of M98 P"homeall.g" (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 Z5 F200 (macro code) [debug] Processing G29 S2 [debug] Waiting for execution of G32 S0 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of ;M98 P"/sys/bed.g" (macro code) [debug] Processing M98 P"homeall.g" [debug] Processing G1 Z5 F200 [debug] HTTP: Sent M561, remaining space 1512, needed 24 [debug] Processing G32 S0 [debug] HTTP: Sent G29 S2, remaining space 1480, needed 32 [debug] Processing ;M98 P"/sys/bed.g" [debug] Completed ;M98 P"/sys/bed.g" [debug] HTTP: Sent M98 P"homeall.g", remaining space 1436, needed 44 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 Z5 F200, remaining space 1396, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: Sent G32 S0, remaining space 1364, needed 32 [debug] Completed M561 [debug] Completed G29 S2 [info] Executing nested macro file homeall.g on channel HTTP [debug] ==> Starting code: M98 P"homeall.g" [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 Z5 F200 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G32 S0 [debug] Waiting for execution of ; homeall.g (macro code) [debug] Processing ; homeall.g [debug] Completed ; homeall.g [debug] Waiting for execution of M98 P"homexy.g" (macro code) [debug] Processing M98 P"homexy.g" [debug] Waiting for execution of ;G1 X0 Y0 F3600 (macro code) [debug] Processing ;G1 X0 Y0 F3600 [debug] Waiting for execution of G30 (macro code) [debug] Completed ;G1 X0 Y0 F3600 [debug] Processing G30 [debug] HTTP: Sent M98 P"homexy.g", remaining space 1496, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30, remaining space 1472, needed 24 [debug] Requesting update of key move, seq 99 -> 101 [info] Executing nested macro file homexy.g on channel HTTP [debug] ==> Starting code: M98 P"homexy.g" [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 [debug] Waiting for execution of ; homexy.g (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G91 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H2 Z2 F200 (macro code) [debug] Processing ; homexy.g [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 X4 Y4 F600 (macro code) [debug] Completed ; homexy.g [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 X-500 Y-500 F6000 (macro code) [debug] Processing G91 [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 X-500 F6000 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 Y-500 F6000 (macro code) [debug] Processing G1 H2 Z2 F200 [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 X4 Y4 F600 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 X-10 (macro code) [debug] Processing G1 H1 X4 Y4 F600 [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H1 Y-10 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 H2 Z-2 F200 (macro code) [debug] Processing G1 H1 X-500 Y-500 F6000 [debug] HTTP: Sent G91, remaining space 1512, needed 24 [debug] Processing G1 H1 X-500 F6000 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H2 Z2 F200, remaining space 1464, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 X4 Y4 F600, remaining space 1408, needed 56 [debug] Processing G1 H1 Y-500 F6000 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 X-500 Y-500 F6000, remaining space 1352, needed 56 [debug] Processing G1 X4 Y4 F600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 X-500 F6000, remaining space 1304, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 Y-500 F6000, remaining space 1256, needed 48 [debug] Processing G1 H1 X-10 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X4 Y4 F600, remaining space 1208, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 X-10, remaining space 1168, needed 40 [debug] Processing G1 H1 Y-10 [debug] Processing G1 H2 Z-2 F200 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H1 Y-10, remaining space 1128, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 H2 Z-2 F200, remaining space 1080, needed 48 [debug] Updated key move [debug] HTTP: Finished macro file homexy.g [debug] HTTP: Sent G30, remaining space 1512, needed 24 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Finished macro file homexy.g [debug] HTTP: ==> Starting code: M98 P"homexy.g" [info] HTTP: Optional macro files deployprobe0.g and deployprobe.g not found [info] HTTP: Optional macro files retractprobe0.g and retractprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Finished macro file homeall.g [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 Z5 F200, remaining space 1496, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G32 S0, remaining space 1464, needed 32 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Finished macro file homeall.g [debug] Completed M98 P"homeall.g" [debug] HTTP: ==> Starting code: M98 P"homeall.g" [debug] Completed G1 Z5 F200 [info] Executing nested macro file bed.g on channel HTTP [debug] ==> Starting code: G32 S0 [debug] Waiting for execution of ; bed.g (macro code) [debug] Processing ; bed.g [debug] Completed ; bed.g [debug] Waiting for execution of ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of ;M117 "Bed Level Started" (macro code) [debug] Processing ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 [debug] Waiting for execution of M561 (macro code) [debug] Completed ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 [debug] Waiting for execution of G29 S2 (macro code) [debug] Processing ;M117 "Bed Level Started" [debug] Completed ;M117 "Bed Level Started" [debug] Processing M561 [debug] Waiting for execution of M201 X100 Y100 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 Z5 F3600 (macro code) [debug] Processing G29 S2 [debug] Waiting for execution of G30 P0 X-235 Y-222 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew (macro code) [debug] Processing M201 X100 Y100 [debug] Waiting for execution of G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew (macro code) [debug] Processing G1 Z5 F3600 [debug] Waiting for execution of G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of ;G29 S1 (macro code) [debug] Processing G30 P0 X-235 Y-222 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] Processing G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] Processing G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors [debug] Processing ;G29 S1 [debug] Completed ;G29 S1 [debug] Waiting for execution of G1 X0 Y0 F8000 (macro code) [debug] Processing G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] Waiting for execution of M201 X3600 Y3600 (macro code) [debug] Waiting for execution of ;M117 "Bed Level Completed" (macro code) [debug] Processing M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] Processing ;M117 "Bed Level Completed" [debug] HTTP: Sent M561, remaining space 1512, needed 24 [debug] Completed ;M117 "Bed Level Completed" [debug] HTTP: Sent G29 S2, remaining space 1480, needed 32 [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X100 Y100, remaining space 1440, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 Z5 F3600, remaining space 1400, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P0 X-235 Y-222 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, remaining space 1344, needed 56 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, remaining space 1288, needed 56 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors, remaining space 1224, needed 64 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1176, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1136, needed 40 [info] HTTP: Optional macro files deployprobe0.g and deployprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] Requesting update of key move, seq 101 -> 104 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, remaining space 1424, needed 56 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors, remaining space 1360, needed 64 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1312, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1272, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] Updated key move [info] HTTP: Optional macro files retractprobe0.g and retractprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew, remaining space 1424, needed 56 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors, remaining space 1360, needed 64 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1312, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1272, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Optional macro files deployprobe0.g and deployprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors, remaining space 1416, needed 64 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1368, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1328, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Optional macro files retractprobe0.g and retractprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors, remaining space 1416, needed 64 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1368, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1328, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Optional macro files deployprobe0.g and deployprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1424, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1384, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [info] HTTP: Optional macro files retractprobe0.g and retractprobe.g not found [debug] HTTP: Suspending code G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] HTTP: Suspending code M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] HTTP: Sent G1 X0 Y0 F8000, remaining space 1424, needed 48 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Sent M201 X3600 Y3600, remaining space 1384, needed 40 [debug] HTTP: -> Resumed suspended code [debug] HTTP: Finished macro file bed.g [info] HTTP: Finished macro file bed.g [debug] Completed G32 S0 [debug] Completed M98 P"homexy.g" [debug] HTTP: ==> Starting code: G32 S0 [debug] HTTP: Finished macro file PrepPrinter.g [debug] Completed G30 [debug] Completed G91 [debug] Completed G1 H2 Z2 F200 [debug] Completed G1 H1 X4 Y4 F600 [debug] Completed G1 H1 X-500 Y-500 F6000 [debug] Completed G1 H1 X-500 F6000 [debug] Completed G1 H1 Y-500 F6000 [debug] Completed G1 X4 Y4 F600 [debug] Completed G1 H1 X-10 [debug] Completed G1 H1 Y-10 [debug] Completed G1 H2 Z-2 F200 [debug] Completed M561 [debug] Completed G29 S2 [debug] Completed M201 X100 Y100 [debug] Completed G1 Z5 F3600 [debug] Completed G30 P0 X-235 Y-222 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] Completed G30 P1 X2 Y235 Z-99999 ; probe near a leadscrew [debug] Completed G30 P2 X230 Y-222 Z-99999 S3 ; probe near a leadscrew and calibrate 3 motors => Leadscrew adjustments made: 0.034 0.117 0.042, points used 3, (mean, deviation) before (0.063, 0.035) after (-0.000, 0.000) [debug] Completed G1 X0 Y0 F8000 [debug] Completed M201 X3600 Y3600 [debug] Requesting update of key move, seq 104 -> 108 [info] HTTP: Finished macro file PrepPrinter.g [debug] HTTP: ==> Starting code: M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g" => [debug] Completed M98 P"0:/macros/PrepPrinter.g" => [debug] IPC#55: Connection closed [debug] Updated key move