M564 S0 ; let travel outside print zone if sensors.probes[0].value[0] == 0 ; if sensor is value other than 1000 do this, 0 = probe attached echo "Probe already attched continue" else G1 X50 F12000 ; X position of klicky dock G1 Y347 F12000 ; Y position of klicky dock G1 Y175 F12000 ; slide out of dock return to bed Y center G1 X175 F12000 ; slide out of dock return to bed X center M400 ; wait for moves to finish if sensors.probes[0].value[0] == 1000 ;Check to see if probe is attached 1000 = not attached G1 X175 Y175 F10000 abort "Attach probe FAILED!" M564 S1 echo "Attach Probe Successfull"