T0 M291 P"Press ""OK"" if you would you like to calibrate the Z-offset for this Tool Cartridge." R"Calibrate Z-Offset" S3 M291 P"Homing, please wait..." R"Calibrate Z-Offset" S1 M208 Z-2 S1 ; allow movement below Z0 G1 X175 Y175 Z8 F4000 ; move to center of bed M558 P0 G30 S-2 M208 Z-.5 S1 ; allow slight - Z so zoffset can work G1 Z10 ; drop build plate G1 X10 Y10 F4000 M558 P1 C"!^io4.in" H5 F500 T10000 ; restore probe type G31 P500 X0 Y0 M291 P"Z-offset calibration complete! " R"Calibrate Z-Offset" S1 T3 M500 ; save results M501 ; load new data