@jens55 for homez, you need to move to a location that takes into account the probe offsets. so if you want to probe the centre of the bed, you would move to the centre, minus the offset. e.g.
G1 X{(move.axes[0].min + move.axes[0].max)/2 - sensors.probes[0].offsets[0]} Y{(move.axes[1].min + move.axes[1].max)/2 - sensors.probes[0].offsets[1]} F3600
For G29, you need to take into account the offset when setting the mesh limits. e.g. if your probe is on the right of your nozzle by 20mm, to start probing a mesh anywhere to the left of X20, the nozzle would have to be at X0 or less. Its not the end of the world if you do get this wrong because as long as your axis limits are correct as RRF will just tell you that your probe points are unreachable and skip them.