Okay so this is my homez.g
;z max homing to switch
G1 Z240 F1000 S1
G92 Z162
G1 Z-4 F600
G1 Z10 S1
G92 Z162
This is my probe config in config.g
M558 P5 I1 R1.0 H10 F700 T1500 X0 Y0 Z0 ;digital piezo sensor, output falls on contact, probing speed, not used to home axes
G31 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 P50 ;sensor is nozzle and debounce value.
As you can see I do not define the probe as an endstop in M558.
My bed.g only contains the mesh definition
M557 X10:260 Y20:180 S20 ;define mesh
M500 ;save
My start gcode contains amongst other things:
M98 P0:/macros/SETZ ; run z fine tuning
That macro looks like this:
G1 X130 Y97.5 Z15 F1000 ;move to be centre slowly.
G30 ; probe for z=0
G1 Z10 F1000 ; raise nozzle
G30 S-1 ;check z gap
G1 Z10 F1000 ; raise nozzle
And here's how it works:
I tried sending G32 but since my bed.g does not contain discreet points to probe, it does nothing, but I regularly run a G29, save the mesh and then use G28, then G30 as above and print and get very nice first layers each time. I have no extra axes defined, just X, Y and Z and E0.
What am I missing?