5V Endstops
I have some inductive switches I would like to use as endstops, however they are 5V for both input and output.
I know I can power them from using the 5V IO pin, however my concern is the output also being 5V. Do I need to drop that to 3.3V before connecting it to the STP pins? Or can the board handle a little extra input voltage?
You need to find out if they are PNP or NPN type; it also depends on which Duet board you have, and which revision of the board it is.
Most likely its okay, but need more data.
Thank you. These are NPN. I have a Duet Wifi, 1.04c
Oh, I think I just found this piece of information
PCB v1.04x: The endstop inputs will tolerate at least 8V.
Hopefully that is true regardless of PNP or NPN
@michaeltrefry said in 5V Endstops:
Thank you. These are NPN. I have a Duet Wifi, 1.04c
with NPN sensor the active voltage is 0v so its generally pretty safe, the duet will provide 3.3v internal pull up and when the sensor is asserted
itthe sensor will drive the input to 0v.1.04c does tollerate more than 3.3v but not a concern in this case.
Thank you for validating for me