BL Touch with Duet Maestro
PROMEGA I have installed a BL Touch clone and it works with the direct commands.
But if I use g28 to home the axis, it then will not work.
I have to turn the power off and on to reset it. -
Please post your config.g and homeall.g files.
Also please read this : -
I cant find a way to attach files so this is a print out.
G28 definately freezes the BL TouchCONFIG.G ; CONFIGURATION FILE for Duet Maestro ; Quad Nozzle ; Last modified April 15, 2019 ; Executed by the firmware on start-up ; Headers within parenthesis are headings in Duet3D documentation= ; Visit for an explanation of G-code commands ; --- SECTION: GENERAL PREFERENCES ( ) --- M564 S1 H1 ; Enables Homing Requirement For Motor Activation and set axes limits ; --- SECTION: Z-PROBE & MESH COMPENSATION --- M98 Pmachine_zprobe.g ; configure the z probe M98 Pmachine_bedmesh.g ; configure the bed mesh G29 S1 ; Load heightmap after power cycle ; --- SECTION: DRIVES (MOVEMENT SECTION) & ENDSTOPS --- M667 S1 ; Enable coreXY mode M569 P0 S0 D3 V0 ; Drive 0 goes backwards, CoreXY_1, stealth chop, disable spread cycle M569 P1 S1 D3 V0 ; Drive 1 goes forwards, CoreXY_2, stealth chop, disable spread cycle M569 P2 S1 D3 V0 ; Drive 2 goes forwards, Z Motor, stealth chop, disable spread cycle ; BASIL it was s1, change to S0 to extrude in the correct direction M569 P3 S0 D3 V0 ; Drive 3 (E0) M569 P4 S0 D3 V0 ; Drive 4 (E1) M569 P5 S0 D3 V0 ; Drive 5 (E2) M569 P6 S0 D3 V0 ; Drive 6 (E3) M98 Pmachine_endstoptypes.g ; set endstop types M98 Pmachine_steppercurrent.g ; set stepper currents M98 Pmachine_stepperspeed.g ; set stepper speeds M98 Pmachine_axisdimension.g ; configure the axes dimensions M98 Pmachine_axissteps.g ; configure the axes steps per mm M98 Pmachine_extruderstep.g ; configure the extruder steps G21 ; Work in millimetres G90 ; Set to absolute coordinates... M84 S1 ; Set idle timeout ; --- SECTION: HEATERS, BED & THERMISTOR --- ; H0 is bed ; H1 is extruder heater M570 H0 P25 T30 ; Allow heater to be off by as much as 30C for 25 seconds M570 H2 P15 T30 ; Allow heater to be off by as much as 30C for 15 seconds M305 P0 T100000 B4138 C0 R2200 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0, For heated Bed thermistor M305 P1 T100000 B5140 C1.890000e-7 ; Thermistor Config for NTC 100k M305 P2 T100000 B5140 C1.890000e-7 ; added by basil M307 H0 A78.9 C265.2 D9.5 S1.00 V24.0 B0 ; Forcing heated bed PID control after power-cycle. Basic bed heating auto-tune M302 P1 ; Allow Cold extrudes M98 Pmachine_maxtemp.g ; set bed and extruder max temperatures ; --- SECTION: FANS ( ) --- M106 P0 T45 H1 F50 ; Set Heatsink Fan F0 to Thermostatic M106 P1 H-1 F50 ; Set Part Cooler Fans F1 to Gcode Control M106 P2 S0 I0 F4 H-1 L0.3 ; Filter fan. Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off, Minimum fan value 0.3, Speed 100% ; --- SECTION: TOOLS ( ) --- ; Comment: Remember! H0 is the heated bed! ; Comment: D0 is the first driver after movement (X, Y and Z) drives, which are the extruders M98 Pmachine_quad_tools.g ; Define quad tools T0 ; Automatic tool select ; --- SECTION: NETWORKS (PROLOGUE & COMMUNCATIONS SECTION) --- M98 Pmachine_access.g ; set machine name and IP M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet ; --- SECTION: MISCELLANEOUS --- ;M98 Pqc.g ; Do NOT uncomment unless you really know what you're doing m918 p1 e-4 ; LCD ********************* ; homex.g ; called to home the X axis ; April 15, 2019 ; same as homey.g because of coreXY ; Front left corner is (0,0) ; ============= PRE-HOMING ===================== ; Ignore Machine boundaries M564 H0 S0 ; Turn off bed leveling during homing G29 S2 ; Does the same as M561! ; Switch to Origin Tool T0 ; Relative positioning G91 ; Provide Z height clearance G1 Z10 F750 S1 ; ================== HOME Y ============================ ; Rapid Y until limit switch triggers G0 Y450 F1500 S1 ; Back off to release limit switch G0 Y-6 F1500 ; Slow advance to trigger limit switch G0 Y10 F120 S1 ; Set this location as Y = 390mm BASIL reduced number G92 Y350 ; Move the gantry slightly away from back of printer, to allow travel past the bolt mounting the gantry bracket ; G0 Y-5 F1200 ; ============= HOME X ==================== ; Rapid X until limit switch triggers G0 X450 F1500 S1 ; Back off to release limit switch G0 X-6 F1500 ; Slow advance to trigger limit switch G0 X10 F120 S1 ; Set this location as X = 383mm BASIL reset this G92 X370 ; Move away from the limit switch, to prevent damage to it upon next move G0 X-5 F1500 ; Move the gantry slightly away from back of printer, to allow travel past the bolt mounting the gantry bracket G0 Y-5 F1200 ; ============ Post-Homing ============== ; Revert to absolute coordinates G90 ; Re-enable mesh leveling G29 S1 M98 Pmachine_axisdimension.g ; Set Axes Limits ; Stop movement across limits, enable boundaries, homing requirement M564 H1 S1
@bhbloom said in BL Touch with Duet Maestro:
M98 Pmachine_zprobe.g ; configure the z probe
I presume the config for the Clone BLTouch is in this file?
Also please post the result of a M115 so we know what firmware you are running