Solved PT100 Duet 2 daughter board issues
Sorry guys, another PT100 topic post
I have been through the search engine and havent been able to discover my issue.
I'm getting 2000 degrees on Tool 4 where the PT100 is. Its a new daughter board and new PT100 dyze hotend. Im running RRF 3.2 on a E3d Toolchanger.I've tried the resister still 2000
I've tried powering via USB still 2000
I've tried the right and left connector on the board no change; Heaters
M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4138 C0 ; Set thermistor
M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; Bed heater
M140 H0
M143 H0 S225 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 225C
M308 S1 P"e0temp" Y"thermistor" A"T0" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; Set thermistor
M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; Extruder 0 heater
M143 H1 S300 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 300C
M308 S2 P"e1temp" Y"thermistor" A"T1" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; Set thermistor
M950 H2 C"e1heat" T2 ; Extruder 0 heater
M143 H2 S300 ; Set temperature limit for heater 2 to 300C
M308 S3 P"e2temp" Y"thermistor" A"T2" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; Set thermistor
M950 H3 C"duex.e2heat" T3 ; Extruder 0 heater
M143 H3 S300 ; Set temperature limit for heater 3 to 300C
M308 S4 P"spi.cs1" Y"rtd-max31865" A"T3" ; create sensor number 1 as a PT100 sensor in the first position on the Duet 2 daughter board connector
M950 H4 C"duex.e3heat" T4 ; Extruder 0 heater
M307 H1 B0 S0.50
M143 H4 S480 ; Set temperature limit for heater 4 to 480C
Have you checked the PT100 with an ohmmeter? At 20C it should be 108.9 ohms. Is it possible it's a PT1000 instead?
- Run M308 S4 and see what the response is, in particular the "Last error".
- If you connect the 100 ohm resistor to that channel in place of the PT100, do you get a reading close to 0C ?
Looks like you have the jumpers in the wrong place. When using a 2-wire connection, you need to fit 2 jumpers to each channel, between pins 1-2 and between pins 3-4. In your photo, I think I see jumpers between pins 2-3.
No on the resistor i get 2000 degrees
@dc42 Thank you so much for rescuing me from my own stupidity
now working -
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