Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 2
I recently got my Duet 3 board over the weekend and after getting it all installed in my printer I am getting Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 2. I tried a few different things including unhooking everything but power and the error is still there. However if I turn off driver 2 in the config file and use driver 3 instead the error goes away so I'm not really sure what's going on. Any help is greatly apprenticed
Thanks Tony
Can you send M122 in the console after the error has occurred and post the results here?
When and where did you purchase the Duet3?
Did you have a motor connected to that driver? Does that motor work on another driver?
@phaedrux I can try to send m122 and see what happens but like I mentioned the error show up with nothing but power connected to the board. I bought the board from matterhackers
@tvm2487 said in Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 2:
I recently got my Duet 3 board over the weekend and after getting it all installed in my printer I am getting Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 2. I tried a few different things including unhooking everything but power and the error is still there. However if I turn off driver 2 in the config file and use driver 3 instead the error goes away so I'm not really sure what's going on. Any help is greatly apprenticed
In what way did you turn off driver 2 in the config file?
@dc42 yes instead of making making my Y stepper stepper use drive 2 I told it to use drive 3 and the error went away
@tvm2487 said in Error: Short-to-ground on drivers 2:
I bought the board from matterhackers
Thanks, it sounds like driver 2 has failed. Please contact matterhackers to initiate a warranty exchange. Include a link to this thread as authorization.