Sourcing PT1000 for E3D block
where can I buy good quality PT1000 for E3D heater block ?
capsule 3 x 10 mmI have found this one: PT1000 Aliexpress but I prefer an EU product
many thanks
I haven't tried these, but you can get them from
@paboman said in Sourcing PT1000 for E3D block:
I have found this one: PT1000 Aliexpress but I prefer an EU product
Usually, Trianglelab has very high quality products and (for China) fast delivery. Also if the datasheet they have in the product description matches the actual sensor used then this sensor is from a German company which leaves only assembly to China. Just wanted to add this, where you buy of course is still your decision.
Other than the link already posted by @dc42 I did not find any EU-based sellers.
i just installed a PT1000 from yesterday. works as you'd expect, fits in the E3d block nicely and its 3 x 20mm off top of my head