That's exactly what it was! It was indeed something very basic, stupid I didn't notice it. Thanks DC42!
Michiel de Bie
That's exactly what it was! It was indeed something very basic, stupid I didn't notice it. Thanks DC42!
Michiel de Bie
Hi all. First post on the forum (or any forum ever, so please tell me if I'm doing something wrong).
I finally updated the firmware on my ancient Duet 0.6. The last firmware update was all the way back in 2015. After a day of troubleshooting all the various changes I finally got my printer to print again. Since the printer is too far away from an ethernet port, I usually print from SD card with USB/Pronterface. However I noticed that with the current firmware version (1.21), after starting a print from SD card, I cannot unplug the USB cable without the printer immediately pausing mid-print. When I plug it back in, it briefly resumes for exactly 4 lines of G-code, before pausing again. It resumes even though it is not connected to pronterface. I tried connecting it to a 5v charger, to no avail.
Is this some kind of new safety feature I missed? I looked at all the firmware notes from all the previous versions, but can't find any mention about it.
With the ancient firmware version I had, I could just disconnect the printer and walk away.
Anyone have a solution? I feel like I'm missing something really basic here...