One more note, I swapped the ports for tools 3 and 4, and now all the tools work again. I think there's something wonky with the tool distribution board, so I'm ordering a replacement.
One more note, I swapped the ports for tools 3 and 4, and now all the tools work again. I think there's something wonky with the tool distribution board, so I'm ordering a replacement.
Ok, this is weird. I put the single tool back to the original port on the distribution board and it still works. I remapped the board address back to what it should be, everything still ok. I plug the other tools back in and #4 tool doesn't sync anymore. I disconnect one of the other tools from the board (not forgetting to put the jumpers back in), and #4 tool now syncs. Looks like it only letting me have 3 tools connected at a time. I might try more combinations to identify the pattern, but its looking now like the culprit is the tool distribution board. At least it's not too expensive to replace, unlike the main board.
Ok, got the jumpers in on the other ports and the board now responds to the M115 command, although the address it responds to is the old one I had set when I was using the board previously. I thought the hardware reset was supposed to reset the address back to 121. The procedure for toolboard reset is to hold both buttons down on power on, correct? Is there a requirement for how long the buttons should be pressed?
Anyways, this looks like I have some more testing to do to see if I can get the new board reconfigured now that I know its working. If it stops working if I move it back to the correct port then I know to replace the distribution board.
Thanks for the help, you got me a little further down the road...
@fcwilt Forgot about putting the jumpers in to disable the other ports. Let me try that.
It fails on all the other ports except #1, that one seems to sync.
Does the bus sync independent of the CAN bus address? I think the board was originally installed on the first port. I thought that the hardware reset would set the bus address back to the default.
I've been successfully using a Duet3 6HC going to a tool distribution board connecting to 4 Toolboards and installed in an E3d ToolChanger for about a year now. This afternoon when I powered on the machine, everything looked good for a few minutes, then toolboard #4 (of 1-4) went offline and wouldn't sync with the CAN bus anymore (the red status light rapidly blinks, the 5V and VIN lights stay on). The other 3 toolboards seem to work fine. Tried cycling the power several times, no change.
I swapped out the toolboard for a spare I had (I've used it in the past, so I know it worked), and same thing happens when I power it back on. I tried pushing both buttons on the toolboard on power-up to reset, nothing changed. I also disconnected all the other toolboards from the distribution board to see if that made any difference (none).
I used an ohm meter to check the CAN bus wires for continuity and the fuse on the distribution board to make sure it wasn't blown, no problems there.
The toolboard is V1.1, with V0.5 distribution board. Everything is running reprap firmware V3.4.
I'm at a loss of how to proceed. I doubt two different toolboards would have same problem simultaneously. I could try replacing the tool distribution board if that is a likely source of the problem. I'm reluctant to try replacing the main board just on speculation.
Any guidance on what to try next?