Reinstall firmware on duet3, now no flashing led
@bearer it for sure is the same card, however im not sure why when i take it from the duet and put it into an adapter to fit in my computer that it says its only a 3gb card when in fact its a 16gb. When i formatted the card there were no partitions
winows key + x -> disk management screenshot
(or just format it properly with )
@bearer i can also try your formatting link
yeah, you'll need to use F: or format the card
@bearer i just downloaded the formatting program so ill do that.
@dc42 why would the duet seemingly pick up config.g but not /www from the second partition?
(thats kinda been an assumption all the way) -
@bearer It worked, it now shows up on the desk top
@bearer Thank you
@dc42 thank you for your help
@Danal thank you for your help