Reinstall firmware on duet3, now no flashing led
I was running into some issues with my new duet 3 so I tried to reinstall the firmware Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin. It says everything was successful. I did the verify and that was successful but I still can not connect to it and I dont see any flashing lights on my board (from what I read I should have). Am i missing something?
Are all the power lights on?
Do you have a Pi?
@Danal The four lights (blue, orange, red and green) are lit up no I dont have a pi. Im trying to use my desk top computer and my laptop.
Which version did you try to flash and how?
@dc42 I tried this Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin and RepRapFirmware.bin. Both by usb with Bossa.
@dc42 I disconnected all the power to the board, jumped the erase button, plugged the power back in. Waited a few seconds and then removed the jumper. Connected Bossa and installed the Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin first. I checked off the erase all, Boot to flash and lock. Then hit write. After it successfully installed i verified it and that to was good. But that's as far as i can get with connecting to it. I do get the 4 lights in the one corner lit up and the light beside the usb port steady red but nothing else.
Your procedure sounds right.
Do you know which release, and or where did you download, that copy of Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin?
Oh, and it will be Duet3Firmware_MB6HC.bin (not any other file names) for a Duet 3 main board.
@Danal for the life of me now I cant find where i got it from. Is there a particular spot that I should only be downloading from? I read in another forum about the latest releases for the duet 3 but when I click the link it doesnt show anything to do with the duet3
@Danal found where i got it from....
Just had a thought: What is in the SD slot on the board? The SD card that comes with it is for a Pi, not for the board. With the 'wrong' card, I believe the lights won't flash.
For running the board without a Pi:
- Format an SD with FAT32
- make a directory call 'sys'
- in sys, place a file called "config.g". It can be empty. If you really want something in it, start with this:
; General Preferences M555 P2 ; Set Marlin-style output G21 ; Set dimensions to millimetres G90 ; Send absolute coordinates... M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves -
@Danal Ok, I have a flashing led just to the left of the sd card. And it linked up to YAT. Now I have some more reading to do in order to try and configure this for a CNC. Do you know will the online configure page work for a CNC? Thank you by the way.
isn't there a flashing led to provide some sort of visual sync indication for the can bus stuff?
@bearer there is a flashing led now, but as far as i can tell its just a steady flash. There is no pattern
anyways, there aren't much differences between the cnc and 3d printer config, you just add the M453 afterwards afaik
(even in use the differences are small, biggest one being G0 will rapid and M3,4,5 is only supported in cnc mode.)
@bearer should I not be able to see the duet3 on DWC now. I have it connected by usb to my computer and Im trying to find the ip address in my router however I dont see it
USB does not give you network (web) connection. You need to plug a cable from the ethernet connector to your router/hub, OR, us a Pi for WiFi.
Bearer is correct... use the online config tool, then add M453 near then end of config.g. That will be very close, and you can adjust from there.
@bearer said in Reinstall firmware on duet3, now no flashing led:
isn't there a flashing led to provide some sort of visual sync indication for the can bus stuff?
Yes, and it was missing before because the card was NOT in "stand alone" due to missing /sys/config.g. When that file is not present, the card waits for an RPi to init it. No init = not running = no flash.
@Danal I have since attached an ethernet cable from the duet to my router and im still not seeing it show up under my devices when i log into my router
@chichirod said in Reinstall firmware on duet3, now no flashing led:
@Danal I have since attached an ethernet cable from the duet to my router and im still not seeing it show up under my devices when i log into my router
Your config.g needs to activate a network. Next step is to build out a sample with the RRF online tool, put that on the SD, power on, and see if it then appears.