unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta
looks like its a DWC problem - running direct from SD on DUET3 and panel due the motion is flawless
@daavery said in unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta:
looks like its a DWC problem - running direct from SD on DUET3 and panel due the motion is flawless
As you are using Duet 3, have you tried this using RRF 3.0RC1 and Duet Software Framework
@dc42 yep that's where i started - then reverted to b12 - then disconnected the pi ribbon cable and connected a paneldue and made up an SD card to run on. that combo is working flawlessly
@daavery said in unstable movement in X/Y with latest beta:
@dc42 yep that's where i started - then reverted to b12 - then disconnected the pi ribbon cable and connected a paneldue and made up an SD card to run on. that combo is working flawlessly
Thanks, I'll alert @chrishamm to this as it looks like the issue may be in DSF.
@dc42 waiting on 55min job to finish a test pass then i will do a full panel with router on
@dc42 any debugging info I can get for you guys?
1 panel - 450 bored holes - 55 min - no glitches - looks like i'm running without the pi for now
more detail - ran TEST.gcode 2 times from DWC - capturing M111 P3 S1 via duet3 micro usb port
there are obvious differences - random gcode lines are out of order
duet config
Board: Duet 3 MB6HC (MB6HC)
DSF Version:
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC v0.6 or 1.0 3.0beta12 (2019-11-02b1)pi config
Start-Date: 2019-12-26 09:07:20
Commandline: apt-get upgrade
duettools:armhf (,,
reprapfirmware:armhf (,,
duetwebserver:armhf (,,
duetcontrolserver:armhf (,,
duetruntime:armhf (,,
duetsoftwareframework:armhf (,,
duetsd:armhf (1.0.4, 1.0.5)
End-Date: 2019-12-26 09:08:06 -
@dc42 @chrishamm did you see the compare i did - doing a M111 P3 S1 and logging the duet3 usb port while running TEST.gcode ( see above) I see random lines of gcode being swapped in order. the 2 runs in the compare were done by just restarting the running job
i'm somewhat suprised others are not seeing the same issue.
There was an issue in DSF > and < that could sometimes cause out-of-order execution of G-codes from a file print - sorry for that. It's fixed in DSF
@chrishamm Tested here - looks good - thanks