DueUI Release v3.0.1 Available
https://github.com/gtjoseph/DueUI/wikiChanges since v3.0.1-beta2
Author: George Joseph g.devel@wxy78.net
Date: Sun Mar 8 12:56:02 2020 -0600Fixed issue with sending gcodes in standalone mode * In standalone mode we weren't URI encoding the CGI call to rr_gcode resulting in failures.
Author: George Joseph g.devel@wxy78.net
Date: Sun Mar 8 12:05:30 2020 -0600Added try/catch to evaluation logic * If a reference in the config file was not found, DueUI would stop populating the rest of the user interface. Now if a value isn't found, we catch it and display a log message with the failing value.
Author: George Joseph g.devel@wxy78.net
Date: Mon Feb 3 13:32:27 2020 -0700Fixed gcode responses and added retry on websocket failure * In certain circumstances, GCode replies like the bed levelling statistics, weren't being sent to the log windows. * Updated the DSF WebSocket code so it tries to reconnect if the WebSocket connection is lost.
Please use a separate thread for all issues.