Do I need to upgrade?
My DuetWifi is running on Firmware 2.02. I haven't been able to follow all the new developments on the firmware front and I think it is a little bit difficult to see what has been changed in the mean time. I've tried to read the Github readmes to see if there are any new developments which would affect printing quality. My question is as follows: I am generally happy with how my Duet is working now and would like to know if I am missing any crucial functions that have been added. Upgrading to version 3 seems to be harder and I don't want to do it if the new functionnality added is not worth it in my use case (cartesian printer with single extrduer, heated bed, and BL touch). So, am I missing anything?
If you're happy there is no need to upgrade no, that is a general rule. Afaik with respect to quality there isn't any new features having been added to RRF3.
I would suggest reading through the update notes for the releases between 2.02 and 2.05.1 (ignoring the 3.0 releases for now) to see if there is anything that would apply to you.
I would also suggest that version 2.05 would be a good first step. There were some bug fixes and things that may apply to you. Upgrading to try it would be as simple as uploading the zip file as is.
Once that has been updated you could update the two files from 2.05.1 that you would require.
The main difference you'd notice is the web control interface has been updated.