Stop current movement
I'm using a duet 2 Wifi/ethernet controller with RepRapFirmware version 2.03RC1 and I was wondering if there are any command for stopping the current move and clear the queue, and at the same time being able to resume with new commands without re-homing?
Not yet. It would require the deceleration to be controlled so that there is no possibility of skipping steps. That's in our plans, because it would allow for instant pausing.
Thanks for fast response!
Are there any time frame for this plan?
@dc42 This would be a great addition. I was doing a search for this feature, and this was the first Google hit. Has there been any progress on this feature since last year?
You mentioned controlling the deceleration. Is there a Duet command that stops steppers instantly? Marlin has a quickstop feature.
M410 - Quickstop - "Stop all steppers instantly. Since there will be no deceleration, steppers are expected to be out of position after this command." For those coming from Google. Here is another thread talking about how this would be helpful for clean jogging and microscopy applications.