Terminal commands not being processed
Hi everyone,
I appear to be connected to the Duet2 via COM3 but when I enter a command, there is no reponse. I can ping the IP address that gets assigned but I can't open the web interface tool on the card. The BLTouch connected the the system deploys its test as well.
Any debug suggestions or could it be this card is bad now?
Verify the Duet is indeed COM3 in Ports (COM & LPT) under Device Manager? (windows key + x, m)
I am getting this now but now always. System seems very flaky. Sometimes I can get an IP address assigned other times not. M115 gave me this return (not always) and then no other commands will return anything. Have to unplug and replug. Doesn't seem to want to keep the password I keep setting. I did not have this much issues when I first set it up. Not sure why I do now.
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Version 3.0 dated 2020-01-03b3Executing config.g...Warning: M307: heater 0 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 265C.
Warning: M500: No M501 command was executed in config.g
Warning: M307: heater 0 appears to be over-powerWiFi reported error: Wrong password while trying to connect to XYZPDQ
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: no known networks found
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
WiFi reported error: network scan failed
WiFi module is idle
M552 S0
M552 S0
M552 S1
M552 S0 -
I can get this to work but then it doesn't.
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet Version 3.0 dated 2020-01-03b3
Executing config.g...Warning: M307: heater 0 appears to be over-powered. If left on at full power, its temperature is predicted to reach 265C.
Warning: M500: No M501 command was executed in config.g
Warning: M307: heater 0 appears to be over-power
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 3.0 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-01-03b3
M552 S0
WiFi module is idle
M587 S"XYZPDQ" P"*********"
Remembered networks:
M552 S1
WiFi module is connected to access point XYZPDQ, IP address can connect to the Web console. However, if I unplug the USB and try go connect via main power, it won't connect to Web console and I can ping the Duet with the same IP address assigned.
If I reconnect the USB connection (remove main power) it does this:
back to not responding.
M552 S0
disables wifi. To enable useM552 S1
. To query useM552
(with no parameters)Verify you have the Duet Web Control files on the SD card?
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/SD_Card#Section_Creating_the_file_structure -
Yes, see the other post I did above. I idled the WIFI, set the password, actived WIFI, got the Web console up. My machine has been working for a few month and today just stopped and having this issue. I have detail in a prior post above.
another debug point. If I turn the power on with USB connected I can get it to work. I can unplug the USB and it will still work. However, if I go right to power on without the USB connection being done first, it won't connect. It's like settings are not being sticking.
I saw, but its inconsistent from one post to the next.
USB can help supply 5v if the onboard 5v supply is damaged. Measure the 5v voltage with and without USB.
To rule out corruption update to 3.1.1, format the SD card (not quick format, and use SD formatter tool) and manually re-flash the wifi with
M997 S1
, in that order perhaps?