Loud Beep On Connect
I'm new to the Duet (0.8.5) in a Fusion3 400s. When I connect to the printer from my Mac, the computer makes a very loud and annoying beep. I have not tried in on a PC, but it's the same using Safari or Chrome. Can this be turned off? Is it part of the firmware?
It's enough to cause a mild mannered engineer to "PC Load Letter" on this thing, or at least consider switching to OctoPrint.
David -
There's no default beep, so it's got to be part of your configuration.
Post your config.g file.
Anything that gets run at startup is in config.g
It would also help to know what firmware version you're running, so please post the results of M122.
Very cool, you've saved me a great deal of pain.
This was at the bottom of the config file. I just commented out everything below "Play startup beep"
; Play startup beep
;G4 P1000
;G4 P50
;M300 S3000 P250
;G4 P250
;G4 P50
;M300 S3000 P250
;G4 P350
;G4 P50Thanks,
David -
On a side note, customer support at Fusion3 was clueless.
Thanks again,