Web Control Camera Plugin
So I’ve been looking for a while to try and find a good solution to hosting a camera view in the duet web control... haven’t found anything that great yet.
I’ve found lots of ways to host a camera over IP and connect to it in another tab in the web, but I’m looking for something a lot like a YouTube window that can maximize or minimize depending on preferences. Maybe some key overlays on the live image too.
Anyone have any plug-in suggestions or does something like this already work? If not, I might put it on my development list.
@TLAS I like to use https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface. Unfortunately, it freezes after a while, running on a Pi4 with a Duet 3. On a separate Pi, it works fine.
I was looking at that one as well - the hanging is good to know.
I’ll see if I can architect an auto-recover similar to what dc42 did with the watchdog on the smart effectors. If it just hangs and restarts without requiring a full reboot, might still be viable.