param.P doesn't return macro name
It seems that the "P" parameter of M98 is captured by RRF and not exposed to the new param meta code
I'm guessing it's too deeply entwined in other code, but thought I'd check.If I send
M98 P"0:/macros/TestMacro" A1 B"MyString"and TestMacro.g contains
echo param.A echo param.B echo param.P
Then the A * B parameters will be returned but the P arameter casues an error
M98 P"0:/macros/TestMacro" A1 B"MyString" 1 MyString Error: in file macro line 3 column 13: meta command: unknown parameter 'P'
That's correct, the M98 P parameter is not included, on the grounds that it's not normally of interest because you know what file you are running.
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