About "status" in Gcode
Recently I've been trying the ERCFonRRF project and and had some problems with it.
In the load.g file,I see this command of commandif state.status == "processing” but I don't know what this mean, I searched the meta command ,but didn't found it. So I come here ask for help
where can I get the information about "state.status" and "processing" -
Here is the file
@Distance98 "processing" means that the controller is doing something and is NOT "idle"
or just the printer is working?such as it is printing a model?
@Distance98 Yes, of course.
here is a list of the possible current state of the machine- disconnected: Not connected to the Duet
- starting: Processing config.g
- updating: The firmware is being updated
- off: The machine is turned off (i.e. the input voltage is too low for operation)
- halted: The machine has encountered an emergency stop and is ready to reset
- pausing: The machine is about to pause a file job
- paused: The machine has paused a file job
- resuming: The machine is about to resume a paused file job
- cancelling: Job file is being cancelled
- processing: The machine is processing a file job
- simulating: The machine is simulating a file job to determine its processing time
- busy: The machine is busy doing something (e.g. moving)
- changingTool: The machine is changing the current tool
- idle: The machine is on but has nothing to do
@cosmowave OK,now I get it. Thank you!