Endstop Pinout on DueX5
I am using Duet2 Ethernet board (v1.05) with Duex5 (v0.11) expansion, running RRF2.05.1 (I cannot use RRF3, as this is an existing project). I am trying to read the endstop pins on the Duex5, as the endstop pins on the Duet2 Ethernet are all populated. I am using custom code, with a similar idea as M585, where I move until I hit an endstop. I am using SetBit(moveBuffer.endStopsToCheck, [axis]) to specify which endstop I am using to stop movement when actuated. From a previous similar post, the END_STOP_PINS in Pins_Duet.h define the endstop pins for 9 axis.
I want to use two of the endstop pins on the Duex5. I can only get the endStopsToCheck to work correctly for axis 0 through 4, which are on the Duet 2 Ethernet board, and axis 9, which is E6 on the Duex5. axis 5 through 8 do nothing. I cannot seem to read endtops E2 through E5 on the Duex5.
I tried to trace the pin definitions through the RRF code but they have weird conventions and don't match the schematics, so I have no idea if the pins are defined correctly. for Example, axis 9 is mapped to pin X9 in END_STOP_PINS, and X9 is defined as pin 101 in varient.h, but doing a IoPort::ReadPin(101) is definitely not reading the endstop pin.
My question in short: How do I read endstop pins E2 through E5 on the Duex5 board? is endStopsToCheck working correctly for those pins?
Thanks for any tips.
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