DWC_GamepadJogger_Plugin won't start with 3.5 RC1
@az3n0k I need to update the plugin to support 3.5.
Are you using an older version web browser? I kind of stopped supporting this plugin because the Gamepad API on browsers now requires an HTTPS connection.
@Sindarius No i use Firefox up to date.
I use the plugin for the keyboard shortcut to manage my CNC so like you said in the description Gamepad need HTTPS but Keyboard worked great for me until I updated to 3.5
It look like its "just" a file not in the good folder ? Maybe I can help but I must be honest I won't be of great help
@az3n0k I'll try to get an updated version put together today.
@Sindarius That would be awesome ! Thank you
@az3n0k https://github.com/Sindarius/DWC_GamepadJogger_Plugin/releases/tag/1.1
Here is a direct link to the download off GitHub. I'll be updating the https://plugins.duet3d.com shortly.
@Sindarius wow thank you! I’ll install it right away !
May I ask what was the problem and how you solved it? Thank you again !
@az3n0k i had to rebuild the plugin in 3.5