Moving to MGN-12 rails - Carriage Advice
and, typically, I've just noticed a fairly large screw up just after posting.
That model has the wrong profile on the belt holders, it needs inverting.
Twist your belts, on a delta this works as they are long and it isnt going to cause a problem.
I don't thing I have them facing the wrong way, do I?
It's more that the profile itself is wrong. I modelled the 2GT belt profile into the part, where I should have used that profile to cut the part. I've fixed it on one side now and I can easily do the other. It's not that critical to get the profile perfect but I doubt a belt would have squashed into what I had previously.
Ah I thought you meant the belt retainer was facing the wrong way as they are in some carriage designs. I twist the belts over the top pulleys for now but I might buy toothed pulleys.
For the belt tension could you use something like this:
Then machine out a small rectangular space that it could screw into? Make it slightly deeper then you could pull the belt tension by hand and then as you tightened it into the machined out groove (and it got closer to the bottom of the machine out space), it should tension the belt a few more millimeters?
Apologies for the long delay in replying, work has been incredibly busy this last week or so.
The model at is now pretty much complete and seems to print quite nicely. I've a tiny bit of tweaking to do on tolerances for my particular printer but that's easy to do and the parts do go together right now. My only remaining concern is the possibility of the joints fouling the tensioner/belt at extreme angles. Again, easy to fix if so.
Also, and I know this is the wrong place to ask, have there been any updates on the PCB carriages/effector? I'm wading through a mountain of unread threads now and just wondering if I've missed some news.
Thanks for the link to those parts Saffi, that could be a neat way of getting much more strength in the design if needed.
We are about to ship PCB effectors and carriage adapters to 3 beta testers.
David am I on that list? I suspect not
Doug, please send me a PM or email with your real name, email address and forum ID, and I'll check.
We are about to ship PCB effectors and carriage adapters to 3 beta testers.
I've put my linear rail frame on hold to wait for these!
I'm trying to work on a 400mm diameter Delta printer, so I'm perfecting my Max Metal build first to teach myself the proper calibration techniques.