Request firmware config for concrete 3d printer
Hi, i am a newbie and currently handling a project of making concrete 3d printer by using duet2 wifi, could anybody kindly provide full Configuration RepRapFirmware for concrete 3d gantry printer? Thanks for helping.
Hi! You should provide your specific hardware, movement kinematic, and extruder type before anyone could help you.
@lsy388 Try searching this forum for "concrete printer". That'll likely throw up some users that could contact who might be able to help you. e.g.
Thanks for advice, my gantry concrete 3d printer design as shown below:-
- Mainboard - Duet2 wifi v1.04 32bit with 4.3" paneldue touch screen
- Controller driver - External driver servo motor
- 2 servo motor(x axis) running with gear rack
- 2 servo motor(z axis) running with DFU ball screw(3205)
- 1 servo motor(Y axis) running with gear rack
- 1 servo motor for screw cement extruder
- Printing flow rate: 51.3ml/s
- Printing speed: 200mm/s
Appreciate for helping, thanks.