Is v3.2 firmware running hotter?
I've upgraded my MB6HC to v3.2 firmware.
Is it possible that this firmware makes the MCU run hotter when idle? Mine seems to be doing so, and I don't think there are any other changes taht could affect it (I haven't changed airflows, or room temperature or anything).
The reason it came to my attention is that I have a small centrifugal fan that blows under the main board if the MCU temperature exceeds a limit:
M308 S9 P"mcu-temp" Y"mcu-temp" A"mcu" M106 P3 S1 L0.40 B0.5 H9 T40:50 C"underb"
Previously, this didn't come on much at all, even when printing - I don't have very big steppers so the drivers are nowhere near their limit, the enclosure is reasonably ventilated. However, recently I noticed that the fan is running pretty much continuously, even when the printer has been idle for 24 hours. (Yes I should have switched it off before then.)
I just switched it on after it had been powered off for a couple of days and the MCU temperature is already at 38C from a starting point of 20C, after doing nothing for ten minutes (actually I haven't even applied teh 24V - it's just got the 5V supplied). It's still climbing, but slowly.
However, I never recorded the rate of MCU heating before, so I don't actually have a good data set for comparison. Am I imagining it?
Firmware 3.2 makes better use of cache memory to execute more instructions per second. So it's possible that the processor generates a little more heat.