M207 accel limitation for z-hop
I assume that in M207 the z-hop acceleration is set and limited by M201 'Z' param, but is it also the case while using M204?
I've got an issue where I'd like to reduce the z-hop acceleration at 4000 max (above it'd "tap" the piece at the end of a z-hop move) while keeping travel accel on the Z axis above that value for non-z-hop travel moves (g28, pause, etc), assuming that I want to keep 6000 in acceleration for travel move in M204, how can I limit the z-hop to 4000? If I limit it with something like 'M201 Z4000' it'd be for the whole z axis even if I put 'M204 T6000' it won't go over 4000, right?
btw I've got a delta, so I live in the world where X/Y/Z is abstract.
I don't think M204 is applied to Z moves, but only travel in XY, but I could be wrong.
so M201 would define accel and M203 would define speed, so z-hop is basically max out to what Z axis can achieve? and M204 is out of this equation.
@Hergonoway The Z hop distance is so small that even acceleration barely factors into it.
What kind of a Z axis do you have that 4000 is even usable?