Endless communication problems with 1.19 and more
If you can provide more detail about the U axis problem, I'll investigate it.
I plan to do some tests on the wifi in 1.19 soon because I have a suspicion that the wifi module is failing to reconnect if it becomes disconnected, despite the correct call being made to the SDK to enable that feature. Some other users have reported that the WiFi connection is more reliable when they set their router to a fixed channel (usually 6) instead of auto. I have a feeling that the auto setting allows the router to channel-hop, causing a disconnection every time it does so.
After I setup a basic AP (wifi access point) in the same room as my printers I have had no problems with 1.19 other than the occasional failure to re-connect after an "emergency stop".
I NEVER use "auto channel". I only have experience with a handful of different brands and models of APs but I have yet to use one where auto channel actually did something sensible.
Tried fixed channel on my router, but that did not help at all. The U axis problem could be a slicer script issue? will dig deeper into that after checking the toolchange macros, bit to frustrated at the moment..
Seems to be not a problem with the connection as such, as if the machine is idle, I have no problems with disconnects. Problems starts when printing..
As for the U axis problem, I can not understand this..
First tpost1.g (U-axis):
G1 U305 Y240 F6000 ; move back
G1 U108 Y240 F6000 ; move to dock
M116 P1 ; wait for tool 1 heaters to reach operating temperature
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G1 F75 ; set feedrate 75mm/min
G1 E10 ; extrude 10mm
G1 F50 ; set feedrate 50mm/min
G1 E5 ; extrude 5mm
G1 F3600 ; set feedrate 3600mm/min
G1 E-1.5 ; retract 1.5mm
G1 U108 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 U108 Y240 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 U108 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movementCompare to tpost0.g (X-axis):
G1 X-5 Y240 F6000 ; move back
G1 X78 Y240 F6000 ; move to dock
M116 P0 ; wait for tool 0 heaters to reach operating temperature
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G1 F75 ; set feedrate 75mm/min
G1 E10 ; extrude 10mm
G1 F50 ; set feedrate 50mm/min
G1 E5 ; extrude 5mm
G1 F3600 ; set feedrate 3600mm/min
G1 E-1.5 ; retract 1.5mm
G1 X78 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 X78 Y240 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 X78 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movementWhen I select tool1, it heats and primes in U305Y240, even wipe movement is at U305, it starts to print after that. Tool 0 behaves as it should (heats and primes in ooze/wipe area) This happens even when selecting tool on the paneldue so it is not a slicer problem.
This all worked ok with 1.18.. Have not touched tpost, tfree or config.g.. hm..
Thanks, I've made a note to see if I can reproduce that behaviour before I do the 1.19.1 release. If it's a Cartesian printer (not CoreXYU) then a workaround might be to add parameter S2 to each of the G1 U commands in tpost1.g.
You nailed it! must have been that the U endstop was active in the parking position, seems this is a bug (feature?) in 1.19
Yes, it is a cartesian printer (bigbox duex conversion)
Btw, have not had any ajax problems for the whole day, but have not tried a print yet.. (will do hat now)
No, the U endstop is not active in the parking position unless there is an S1 in the command.
One of the things that S2 does is to disable mapping of the X axis. I suspect that the firmware was remembering the equivalent X position and that was overriding the U parameter in the G1 commands. But I don't know why it did that.
And it timeouts again, I'm beginning to suspect that this is a U axis endstop problem, Have to check my slicer start scripts
Oh' ok.. I'll check whatever is in my slicer scripts where it mentions U axis
.. -
Ok, added parameter S2 on the lines in my slicer scripts where U is mentioned, no problems with printing this file so far
Have this in the start script
; move to heating position
G1 X78 U108 Y200 F6000 S2
G1 X78 U108 Y240 F6000 S2No Ajax timeout! No communication problems no more
Please can you try the 1.19 bugfix I have just released (see separate thread) and see whether it works without your original tpost1.g file, i.e. without the extra S2 parameters. I identified the cause and I have attempted to fix it, but I don't have an IDEX printer to test the fix on.