Configuration problems
OK so Hot end now goes Off Active and standby, but Bed not showing up and these error messages
Warning: Obsolete use of S parameter on G1 command. Use H parameter instead.
Error: Failed to enable endstops -
Oh and no fan controls showing up
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
OK so Hot end now goes Off Active and standby, but Bed not showing up and these error messages
Do you have this command after the M950 for the bed heater?
M140 P0 H0 ; map heated bed to heater 0
Warning: Obsolete use of S parameter on G1 command. Use H parameter instead.
Error: Failed to enable endstopsCorrect.
What used to be G1 S1 is now G1 H1.
Just edit your homing files.
Have bed temps working now, many thanks.
Homing not working because of end stops Not enabled.
Is that similar to temp sensors? -
I just checked and I have
M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S1 ; set active high endstopsWiki says they have to be seperate lines
OK so now I get it to home and move down 5mm and home again, but it then should move down and centre. but it stays with end stops activated and I get message Error: G0/G1: target position not reachable from current position
File is
; homedelta.g
; called to home all towers on a delta printer
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.2 on Thu Sep 02 2021 19:22:19 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time)
G91 ; relative positioning
;*** Slow homing has been configured. Change F180 to F1800 below when your configuration is working
G1 H1 X265 Y265 Z265 F2500 ; move all towers to the high end stopping at the endstops (first pass)
G1 H2 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 F1800 ; go down a few mm
;*** Slow homing has been configured. Change F180 to F360 below when your configuration is working
G1 H1 X10 Y10 Z10 F180 ; move all towers up once more (second pass)
G1 Z-5 F2400 ; move down a few mm so that the nozzle can be centred
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y0 F2400 ; move X+Y to the centre -
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
I just checked and I have
M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S1 ; set active high endstopsWiki says they have to be seperate lines
Seem to think that error message is related to homed height, but just tried adding 5mm to homed height no different and then tried subtracting 5mm same.
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
Seem to think that error message is related to homed height, but just tried adding 5mm to homed height no different and then tried subtracting 5mm same.
Replace that G1 Z-5 with G1 H2 X-5 Y-5 Z-5 - that should do it.
It homes ok but I still get
Error: G0/G1: target position not reachable from current position -
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
It homes ok but I still get
Error: G0/G1: target position not reachable from current positionEven with that change I suggested?
sorted that out Frederick, the default end stop setting says
active high endstop switch but X1 is low end it needs to be X2 -
Just need to sort fan control not showing and M106 not doing anything either. Think it's because they havent been properly configured.
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
Just need to sort fan control not showing
Need to see you most recent fan code. It may be still back at v2 syntax.
Think your right
; Fans
M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Part Clg" ; set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
M106 P1 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Bed Clg" ; set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off -
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
Think your right
; Fans
M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Part Clg" ; set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
M106 P1 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Bed Clg" ; set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned offYes - that's v2 syntax.
Here is my code for two fans:
; **************************************************************************************************** ; cooling fans ; -- P# is fan, S# is speed (0 to 255 or 0.0 to 1.0) H# means turn on fan when heater H# temp hits T# ; -- H-1 means no thermostatic control ; **************************************************************************************************** M950 F0 C"fan0" Q500 ; create fan (F), pin name (C), frequency (Q) M106 P0 C"Part" S0 H-1 ; set fan (P), name (C), speed (S), thermostatic control off (H) M950 F1 C"fan1" Q500 ; create fan (F), pin name (C), frequency (Q) M106 P1 C"Hotend" S1 H1 T45 ; set fan (P), name (C), speed (S), thermostatic control on (H & T) -
@fcwilt said in Configuration problems:
M950 F0 C"fan0" Q500 ; create fan (F), pin name (C), frequency (Q)
Have got them working with this
M950 F0 C"fan0"
M950 F1 C"fan1"
M106 P0 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Part Clg" ; set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
M106 P1 S0 I0 F500 H-1 C"Bed Clg"But have tool fan on there as well which also starts part fan
Tried rem ing out fan0 but then tool fan controls do nothing
Just noticed that the tool fan shows when the hot end is active and when hot end is off or standby is hidden.
I either need to hide it completely or get rid of the part fan control but have the tool fan control that fan -
@dave-parry said in Configuration problems:
Just noticed that the tool fan shows when the hot end is active and when hot end is off or standby is hidden.
I either need to hide it completely or get rid of the part fan control but have the tool fan control that fanThat tool fan display is controlled by the DWC.
It's just a way of having a single consistently named control in those cases where you might have multiple tools each with their own fan.
You can control the visibility of the actual part fan from the DWC.