DuetWiFiFirmware minor release 1.15e
looks like ive opened a hole can of worms now sd card image is it as simple as copy and past over the parts i need are do i need
Files needed on the sd card: https://duet3d.com/wiki/SD_card_folder_structure
thanks stephen
file system is as follows(d;)
sys-CoreXYall folder copyed off the SDimagefinal.zip from https://github.com/T3P3/Duet/blob/master/DuetWifiv1.0/SDimageFinal.zip
now i am still playing but not having any sucesess getting repetier to talk to the board -
Re-doing the SD card image is not going to help here you need to follow the guide for Emergency Backup procedure from the Wiki in order to get FW 1.16 onto the board
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Updating_main_firmware Try Backup Procedure no 1 first and if that doesn't work try no 3. (no 3 worked for me when I had the same issue last week)
thanks dougal i was trying that but i formatted my sd card and i believe if i do not put the right information back onto the SD card the other steps wont work
i think i have the sd card correct on step 3 ive conected done the flash compared the file and on the execute all i get is
sam-ba 2.16 1 %dose it take are long time are is it done ..
edit nope it was quick and looked like nothing happened but after i hit reset bottom it worked fine -
yes hit reset bottom connected with repetier host and now its talking thanks for the pointers
ok sweet just need to re setup my printer now here what it now reads
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet WiFi
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.15b (2016-08-25)
WiFi Server Version: 1.02
Web Interface Version: 1.13
whats the recommended updates now i am back to defaults -
You may be back to what you think are defaults however you will still have to go thru the upgrade for the FW as I have pointed you towards due to DWC 1.13 NOT BEING COMPATABLE WITH FW BEFORE 1.16B10 I think it is you need to upgrade your FW to 1.16 (Release) at the very least (Use the Latest release Version for DC42's Github)
then upgrade the Duet Wifi server and it appears your Duet Web Control is at the latest version.HTH Again
Edit Sorry I hadn't seen your answers yes ok so you will have to do the Samba bit again to get 1.16 or 1.17dev1 onto the board so that the DWC will work correctly for you?
well they say repation is good for the memory lol
so samba 1.17DEV1
ill make sure to read the update notes more carefully from here on in
ill stick with the stable stuff so 1.16 for me -
ok thanks guys 1.16 installed and running and a nice clean sd card thanks Dougal1957 and not forgetting StephenRC
You are more than Welcome no where near the Expert that David is but If I can point in the right direction then I will try (even if I don't get it 100% right every time lol)