Conditional trigger with second endstop?
first of all I'm not sure if my problem is in the right topic, but i think it would be tuning and tweaking or maybe metagcode but I don't have the experience with meta gcode's to judge that. And my english is not the best so hopefully you guys can help me anyways.As for my problem, I want to move an axis (let's call it A) linearly.
The axis has also a Min. Endstop(lets call it !AStop)
thats totaly clear.But I would like to move the axis forward to a defined point until a second sensor triggers(!BStop). and the distance is not always the same.It could work if i put both endstops in the config together-> M574 A1 S1 P"Astop+Bstop"
But i just need to rest at the second endstop and after some seconds i drive over the endstop .
an if i home the axis now to drive the hole way back it will stop at the 2. Enstop cause its clearly an endstop. but it should drive the holeway back an to the min Endstop (AStop)Maybe this is easily to understand->
Is it possible to say G1 H3 A500 (but stop when Endstop "Bstop" pulled?) cause in this operation i can home A normaly and can ignore the Bstop endstop while i cross the enstop while im homing.This Movement is not for a printer: its a grabber who is driving on an axis. Home position grab it-> drive till sensor 2 triggerd ->Stop->after some second drive to the end of the axis->loose the grabber->drive the whole way back.
or maybe something like this would be awesom but i didnt found anything about it.
g1 A500
if sensor.Bstop.triggered
stop the movement
something like that as a macro would be perfekt but i didnt found any comment to stop the axi right away when its triggered every time the the axis moves the hole 500 without stopping the movement.
i hope you can understand me what i try to explain you.
maybe someone can help me -
@ti21 I think the M585 command may be what you are looking for.