Unsolved How to home filament in 5x Bowden extruder drives?
How does one put an endstop on an extruder to detect the presence of and home/set the location of filament in the extruder? I have 5 Bowden extruders in one machine that manifold into 1 optical endstop switch for the purpose of loading different materials into a single extruder.
Ive got the optical switch working but want to be able to load filament in and home each extruder and then retract to a know distance to stage each filament to be sent to the extruder at a known distance into a serving system.
I'm really stuck here and need to get this working. Currently I have to manually load the filaments in and then cut them off at a known distance. There has to be a better way!Using Duet 6hc board with the 3hc expansion board & Simplify3d?
Optical switch TCST2103
I've got CAD drawings and diagrams. I just don't know how to code the filament loading process to get the filaments staged at the right distances from the extruder.
Please help!! -
I don't think RRF has native capabilities to extrude until a sensor or end stop is triggered.
I have a day off today, so for giggles I thought I'd try a macro to do it.
I don't really know how your system is configured so I've tried to do the macro so that you can pass parameters to cover as many things as possible.
For example I don't know if a tool change is necessary between each filament of if you use a mixing hotend.
If the latter then the G1 commands would have to be altered.
Hopefully it's commented well enough to make sense.; extrude_to_stop.g ; Parameters can be passed to macro. e.g. ;M98 P"extrude_to_stop.g" A0.05 R100 S100 Q200 T1 M1 C0 B0 ; adjust defaults as required. var minVoltage = 23.8 ; set to minimum acceptable voltage. Change to suit your system var extrudeDistance = 0.1 ; amount extruded with each iteration until stop is detected. Over-ridden if parameter "A" passed var retractDistance = 50 ; amount to retract after stop detected. Over-ridden if parameter "R" passed var extrudeSpeed = 320 ; speed in MM/min to extrude. Over-ridden if parameter "S" passed var retractSpeed = 600 ; speed in MM/min to retract. Over-ridden if parameter "Q" passed var cancelAmount = 300 ; maximum extrusion amount before macro cancels. This should stop an endless loop var amountExtruded = 0 ; storage for counter var whichTool = 0 ; assume tool 0 to start. Over ridden if parameter "T" passed var whichSensor = 0 ; assume sensor number is 0 to start Over-ridden if parameter "M" passed var doToolChange = 0 ; Over-ridden if parameter "C" passed (C0 or C1) var whichDrive = 0 ; Over-ridden if parameter "B" passed var sensorState = 0 ; sensor state when macro run ; check that we have power if (state.atxPower != null) if state.atxPower = false M80 ; turn on ATX power G4 S3 ; wait a few seconds to power up ;echo "check voltage" if (boards[0].vIn.current) < (var.minVoltage) abort "ABORT: Voltage too low for motor movement" ; check if parameters have been passed and adjust variables accordingly if exists(param.A) set var.extrudeDistance = param.A if exists(param.R) set var.retractDistance = param.R if exists(param.S) set var.extrudeSpeed = param.S if exists(param.Q) set var.retractSpeed = param.Q if exists(param.T) set var.whichTool=param.T if exists(param.M) set var.whichSensor = param.M if exists(param.C) set var.doToolChange = param.C if exists(param.B) set var.whichDrive = param.B T{var.whichTool} P{var.doToolChange} ; select tool and run toolchange macros if required ; check if the filament sensor is enabled and record it for resetting to original later if (sensors.filamentMonitors[var.whichSensor].enabled != true) M591 D{var.whichDrive} P1 ; enable the filament monitor set var.sensorState = 0 else set var.sensorState = 1 ; make sure sensor filament isn't already detected if sensors.filamentMonitors[var.whichSensor].status = "ok" M291 R"Error" P"Filament is already detected. Macro cancelled" T1 S3 M591 D{var.whichDrive} S{var.sensorState} ; reset sensor state M99 ; exit macro ; start the movement section M83 ; relative extrusion M302 P1; allow cold extrude M291 P"Press OK to begin" R"Ready?" S3 ; wait for user action while (sensors.filamentMonitors[var.whichSensor].status != "ok") && (var.amountExtruded < var.cancelAmount) G1 E{var.extrudeDistance} F{var.extrudeSpeed} if result != 0 ; check if command was succesful var.amountExtruded = var.cancelAmount ; cancel out if there was a problem in the move command break ; exit the loop set var.amountExtruded = var.amountExtruded + var.extrudeDistance ; increment the counter to track how far we've moved M400 ; wait for move to finish before starting loop again M291 P{"Moved " ^ var.amountExtruded} S0 T0.5 if var.amountExtruded >= var.cancelAmount M291 P"Extrusion limit reached or error occured - macro cancelled" R"Error" S1 T3 M302 P0; Dissallow cold extrusion again M591 D{var.whichDrive} S{var.sensorState} ; reset sensor state M99 ; exit macro ; if we got this far the limit switch has been tripped M291 P{"Limit switch found after " ^ var.amountExtruded ^ "mm. Retracting " ^ var.retractDistance ^ "MM"} R"Retracting" S1 T3 G4 S3 ; Delay for a few seconds for popup to expire G1 E{0 - var.retractDistance} F{var.retractSpeed} M400 ; wait for move to complete M591 D{var.whichDrive} S{var.sensorState} ; reset sensor state M302 P0; Dissallow cold extrusion again M291 P"Filament in position" R"Done" S1 T3
The code I suggested is based on using the sensor you have as a filament monitor.
If that is not the case and you simply have it connected to an input then you will need to replace any reference tosensors.filmentMonitors[var.whichSensor]status
with something likesensors.gpIn[var.whichSensor].value
is your gpIn value for the switch
You would also not need anything referring toM591