ReprapFirmware Build Instructions for Linux (Arch)
Hello, despite attending one of the top computer science schools in the country, my entire schools ethernet has been down all day so I only had access to wifi on my laptop running arch linux. I had to make a few minor changes to the firmware for my printer so i decided to try and build reprapfirmware on linux. After a few hours of messing around I finally got it to compile. Here is what I did, but please keep in mind that I did this for RADDS on 1.19, and that I did this on Arch Linux which is a little bit different than most distros…
Install Eclipse through pacman
[[language]] sudo pacman -S eclipse-cpp
As described in, download CoreNG and RRF, create a workspace (doesn't matter where), in my case i created one in /home/Documents/Firmware, and move folders there with proper names as described. Some of these packages are probably unnecessary but it doesn't hurt to install them all
[[language]] sudo pacman -S arduino arduino-avr-core arduino-builder arduino-ctags arduino-docs arm-none-eabi-gdb
You would think that the pacman arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-none-eabi-newlib packages would work for this but they don't. You need to use a community made package in order for RRF to compile. Doesn't matter what folder you install it into.
[[language]] cd /home/Applications git clone cd gcc-arm-none-eabi-bin make -sri
Then open eclipse, import both projects as described, and open the project properties for CoreNG. Under 'Settings', change 'Cross Settings' path to '/usr/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc'. Then go to 'Tool Chain Editor' and change the 'Current Builder' to 'CDT Internal Builder'. Repeat for RRF. All thats left is to build CoreNG followed by RRF, and then that's it! Hope this helps others!