Gcode M122 documentation
https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m122-diagnose says that
M122 P1
will print summary test report.However, I think that P1 is only valid with a T, V and W (if applicable) parameter, which was not apparent to me from the docs. The first bullet could be changed to:
P1 print summary test report. This requires additional parameters: Taa:bb = min/max accepted MCU temperature reading and Vaa:bb = min/max VIN voltage reading, plus Waa:bb = min/max 12V regulator voltage reading if applicable.
[The old dozuki docs site used to allow reader edits, I don't see that in the new one - is that a feature that will return?]
@achrn I have passed this on to our documentation maintainer.
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