Extrution Feed-Rate G1 Fn not working - 6HC
Hello everybody,
i'm using a 6HC board and i can't control the feed rate of my extrution with F.
The speed of the stepper motor doesn't change using different feed-rate
I tried to use these commands without changes:
G1 E1 F0.1
G1 E1 F1
The maximum velocity is
M203 X1200.00 Y1200.00 Z1200.00 E1200.00
Any ideas ? -
@Salvatore see the description of M203 https://docs.duet3d.com/en/User_manual/Reference/Gcodes#m203-set-maximum-feedrate in particular the I parameter.
@dc42 thanks for your support
I wrote this line solving partially the problem
M203 X3500.00 Y3500.00 Z3500.00 E3500.00:3500.00:3500.00 I0.01then i tested the extruder and i got these results
G1 E1 F2 requires 30"
G1 E1 F1 requires 60"
G1 E1 F0.5 requires 100" instead of 120"
G1 E1 F0.25 requires 100" instead of 240"I need to reduce more the feedrate reaching G1 E1 F0.025
Does the firmware or the board have lower limits that do not allow stepper motors to be handled slowly?