Duet web control dutch issues
When upgrading to the latest firmware duet web control was in dutch.
-The translation isn't great, Console becomes "troosten", which is more like when someone is sad and needs to be comforted, jobs is translated to the equivalent of lanes (Banen).
-Also weird, the dutch language in the setting is called "Engels" which is dutch for english, I had to set it to English instead of Engels to get dutch, which should be called Nederlandsthx
'close' is 'dichtbij', which means 'nearby', not 'shut'. It's all a bit 'auto translated'..
The translation matrix is nice and easy to understand here
It's 'kings day' in Holland today, I'm wearing orange and just off for a beer in Amsterdam. I'll see if I'm feeling sober and patriotic enough to submit a patch later.
@EasyTarget I would also be willing to do some translations if I can get the printer working with duet
I have created PR489 for this with my changes.
Disclaimer; I'm not a native Dutch speaker and have never worked in a workshop here, so I may have missed things, used wrong terms or made other mistakes.. Still, it should be better than before
@brampie if you have a GitHub account you can comment on the PR (if @chrishamm wants to hold the PR for a few days to gather comments).