This post is deleted! -
@Rollux my homall.g
M561 G91 G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; raise head 4mm to keep it clear of the bed G1 H1 X-35 Y-245 U355 F3000 ; coarse home X, Y and U G1 X4 Y4 U-4 F3000 ; move 4mm away from the homing switches G1 H1 X-400 Y-245 U400 F600 ; fine home X, Y and U G90 ; absolute positioning ; Now home Z using the Z probe G1 X170 Y110 F3000 ; move to bed centre for probing G30 ; probe the bed and set Z height G1 x-35 y-245 U365 F3000 G29 S1 -
@Proschi78 Cheers for that, adjusted the stops to both min and max and still the same issue as follows.
X axis moves 10mm, stop, feed another 5mm (effectivevely the "double tap" without touching the endstop) and then stop.
Y axis moves 5mm in the opposite direction of the end stop and moves no further.
U axis homes as expected.
Bltouch now fails to deploy the probe.Hard power off reset.
Home all, axis work as expected.
Try both home all and individual homing and all but the U axis fails, showing movements as described above. Zero consistency in why the homing of the axis is random at best.
@Rollux Thats my Home U
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.14 on Wed Nov 16 2022 15:37:19 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 U430 F3000; move quickly to U axis endstop and stop there (first pass) M400 G1 H2 U-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 U430 F360 ; move slowly to U axis endstop once more (second pass) G1 H2 Z-5 F6000 ; lower Z again G90 ; absolute positioning the only thing that strikes me is that your G30 for G90 is in homeall.g
@Proschi78 U axis is the only axis that is working as it should. X and y are not for some reason not working properly.
Have erased and re flashed the sd card, tried a fresh config from the 3.5 configurator and it gets even worse i.e x axis goes the opposite direction to the end stop regardless of changing directions, min/max parameters, y axiis jolts and stops.
as for the 3.4 config, x axis speeds up then slows down, travels along incredibly slowly then does it's double tap. Y axis is hit and miss as to whether it will home or jolt and stop. U axis on 3.4 config works as expected every time without fail. very confusing as there is zero consistency as to the behaviors as when all axis will home, they wont home again due to the aforementioned erratic behaviors. -
@Rollux Are your end stops working properly? Are the motors running in the right direction?
@Proschi78 end stops trigger when either touched by motor or by finger for testing, motors all go in correct direction (when working). When homing z, the axis still drops back 5 mm after touching off, lifting 5 and dropping again, these lines have been removed so shouldn't be doing that but only probes once and not twice.
@Rollux Looking at your config.g, unless I missed it, I don't see any M669 command to define the Kinematics for your machine. I'm not sure what the default is but it may be Cartesian - it almost certainly won't have a U axis by default. Send M669 without any parameters to see what it reports. Link to documentation is here
@deckingman said in IDEX HOMING ISSUES:
6/3/2024, 4:48:42 PM M669
Kinematics is Cartesian, no segmentation, matrix:
1.00 0 0 0
0 1.00 0 0
0 0 1.00 0
0 0 0 1.00im wondering if there is some stuff "stuck" in the mb6hc cache/memory that might be affecting things?
increase the x value to x-450; called to home all axes ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.4.1 on Sun May 26 2024 18:23:03 GMT+0800 (Australian Western Standard Time) G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 X-450 Y-430 U0 F1800 ; move quickly to X Y and U axis endstops and stop there (first pass) G1 H2 X5 Y5 U-5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H1 X-450 Y-4300 U0 F360 ; move slowly to X Y and U axis endstops once more (second pass) G90 G1 F6000 X243 Y200 G30 ; absolute positioning G29 S1 ; this loads the contents of /sys/heightmap.csv -
Increased the x value to x-450.
Individual homing works fine when selected separately.
Home all on the other hand is inconsistent still. During "home all", when the x axis triggers the end stop, the y axis will also trigger even though it has not yet hit the end stop. Bltouch will lower, trigger, raise 5mm then drop 5mm (not sure where else the lines of code for this are found as i have removed all i can find as i want the z axis to not drop down after probing).
Also, the z axis moves up or down when making manual moves via the panel due or dwc. Ifeel there is something somewhere that is conflicting. All the boards were well outdated (3.3 beta from memory) as they have been sitting for a while so wondering if a hard reset of the main board and the 3xc are in order? -
try this as homeallM561 G91 G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; raise head 4mm to keep it clear of the bed G1 H1 X-450 Y-450 U0 F3000 ; coarse home X, Y and U G1 X5 Y5 U-5 F3000 ; move 4mm away from the homing switches G1 H1 X-400 Y-430 U0 F600 ; fine home X, Y and U G90 ; absolute positioning ; Now home Z using the Z probe G1 X243 Y200 F3000 ; move to bed centre for probing G30 ; probe the bed and set Z height G1 x-450 y-430 U0 F3000 G29 S1 -
Y axis doesnt move. Wont re home manually without a re boot. Reboot the board, Y axis "triggers" at the same point as the x axis regardless of position.
Thinking will reset the mainboard and re flash firmware as something may be hanging around from all the updates and the like. -
@Rollux If all the individual homing files work, then you could call them individually for home all.
e.g. homeall could be..........
M98 P"homex.g" M98 P"homeu.g" M98 P "homey.g" M98 P"homez.g" Try that - if it works, then the problem is with your homeall.g, if it doesn't then the problem is elsewhere.
Success there on the first try. Then move everything around and try again. X and U axis home perfectly. . Y axis jumps and then does nothing and get the following error: Error: in file macro line 17: M98: expected a string expression.Going to have a look at the y axis endstop
Endstops - X: at min stop, Y: at min stop, Z: no endstop, U: at max stop, Z probe: not stoppedAs it is one the "pcb board" style ones, wondering if it has failed but that doesnt explain why it works once or twice then nothing.
Replaced the endstop with a pare makerbot pcb style. Same issue. Check wiring, all is good. Hard reset. All homed perfectly, repeatedly. Then back to the same issue of the y axis bumping in the opposite direction if the end stop and failing to home.
"Home all" using individual axis works as expected. However, homing individual axis via dwc or panel due, Y axis does not want to work. Incredibly confusing.
Current homeall.g
This works somewhat, the U axis homes after x,y,z regardless of U axis position.Also when homing z, the z jumps up and down and the x and y jump around. Video Attached of whats happening.
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position G1 H1 X-450 F5000 ; move quickly to X Y and U axis endstops and stop there (first pass) G1 H1 U0 F5000 G1 H1 Y-450 F5000 G1 H2 X5 F6000 ; go back a few mm G1 H2 U-5 F6000 G1 H2 Y5 F6000 G1 H1 X-450 F360 ; move slowly to X Y and U axis endstops once more (second pass) G1 H1 U0 F360 G1 H1 Y-450 F360 G1 F6000 X243 Y200 G30 G90 ; absolute positioning G29 S1 ; this loads the contents of /sys/heightmap.csv [Home All.mp4](/assets/uploads/files/1717502002687-home-all.mp4) -