Tools drives drivers
Please can someone give a summary of how duet assigns tools, fans, stepoer motor drivers, drives?, extruders?
Are drives synonymous wither motor drivers?, are tools such as extruders assigned to divers or motor drivers?
I have read the recap gcode of ertaing to this and am mostly more confused..
I have a modified folger tech that was mostly staight forward setting up firmware and a ratrig vcore that has taken me many hours to get firmware working -
@Dbioceramics This is a pretty good summary for cartesian machines:
CoreXY machines like the Ratrig vcore modify the X and Y drive mapping, see you then use the configuration tool, for each section there is a 'Show Gcode Preview' so you can see how the configuration is set, eg
Pressing 'Show G-code preview' at the top of the section shows: