M140 after M143
Noticed that the config.g generated by the config tool has M140 after M143 which goes against the recommendations in the wiki;
In RRF3 a M140 command with H parameter (other than H-1) must come after the M950 command that creates that heater, and before any M143 command that sets a temperature limit for that heater.
Snippet from my config.g from the config tool:
; Heaters
M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 ; create heater #0
M143 H0 P0 T0 C0 S100 A0 ; configure heater monitor #0 for heater #0
M307 H0 R2.43 D5.5 E1.35 K0.56 B1 ; configure model of heater #0
M950 H1 C"e0heat" T1 ; create heater #1
M143 H1 P0 T1 C0 S285 A0 ; configure heater monitor #0 for heater #1
M307 H1 R2.43 D5.5 E1.35 K0.56 B0 ; configure model of heater #1; Heated beds
M140 P0 H0 ; configure heated bed #0 -
Thanks. Can you share the full config.json that it generated for you as well?
@SaldoT That recommendation was outdated and has been removed from the docs. Thanks for pointing it out, though!