how to know if previous z probe with G30 was successfull or not
i'm on reprapfirmware 3.5.4 on duet H6C with 3 expantion toolboardmy printer got 2 Z axis motors and unfortunately sometimes one of these two is not correctly aligned , even somtimes very skewed.
i may have up to 6-8mm of offset between the 2 sides of my bed.
i do have a auto leveling macro but as i put 3mm as S parameter for the M671
M671 X372:-62 Y160.9:160.9 S3
when i have too much skew the probe don't go until it hit the bed and i got this error message:
G30 P1 X17 Y140.9 Z-99999 S-1 Error: M280: Probe was not triggered during probing move unfortunately the macro continue as if no error but the bed is not leveled at all.
my question is how can i get if the probe failed ?
i know i can retrieve the last probe value when it worked by using the model object variable
this way if i'm able to retrieve the error then i'll be able to do raise only one side of my bed and retry to level it.
thanks for your help
I had this problem on a printer with three Z axis steppers.
I solved it by installing actual end-stop sensors on each Z axis and carefully positioning them so that triggered very close to the same Z height.
By doing that I was able to do normal G1 H1 homing moves since the firmware understands how to deal with multiple Z axes each having their own end-stop.
Here is a link to a quick-and-dirty video showing how a very out-of-level bed can be quickly gotten close to level so that the Z probe can take over for the final leveling.
@psychotik2k3 you can test 'result' after the G30 command to test whether it succeeded. For example:
G30 .... If result != 0 abort 'Probing failed"```