Workpiece Coordinate System (WCS)
In my opinion most cnc users would be happy to have 3 or 4 sets of tool offsets.
Can you tell me what the use case is for multiple sets of tool offsets?
Thanks, that makes sense to me. I'll see if I can squeeze a partial implementation into RRF 1.21.
Two further questions:
1. If I specify e.g. G10 L2 P1 X100 and then G54, does that mean that I should add 100mm to the coordinate the user asked to move the tool to, or subtract 100mm? i.e. is your second work piece 100mm in the +X or in the -X direction?
2. If I have multiple tools and I send G10 L2 P1 X100, does that 100mm offset apply to all tools, when I am using the G54 coordinate system?
I hope you understand my explanations.
1. e.g. G10 L2 P1 X100 and then G54 G0 X20 -> absolute movement to X120 in machine coordinates (G53 G0 X120). The same result without WCS is to move absolute (G0 X120) or moving the MCS after homing (G92 X-100 and then G0 X20).
2. The offset apply to all tools, when you are using the G54 coordinate system.
Thanks. This will be implemented in firmware 1.21RC1 due out soon.
Thanks for your great support.
This is now implemented.
Thanks for the new RC!
I tried G53 to G56. All is working as expected.