dual Z motors, U "occasionally" goes crazy!?
Opps! looks like the comment about the machine stopping responding on unplugging the ethernet was premature - on removing the ethernet cable I also managed to press the microSD card without realising it, and it was not correctly inserted - on inserting fully the machine now responds correctly (duet and expansion board still hanging), but still has the issue
Neither the chipsets on the expansion board or the driver chipsets on the Duet are heating up at all, even after 10 mins holding position with motors energised.
F*** this is getting annoying...
Additionally, measuring again the voltages on just the X axis, getting (about) 4v (ena), 4.6(dir) and 4.6(pul) on the expansion board, and 4.85, 6.15 and 6.20 on the driver! Even more than before... there is no difference with or without ethernet plugged in
AND, even more strange stuff that makes me think it is a problem of negative or earthing: just for fun (!) I tried reversing the tester probes, +ve to -ve and -ve to +ve - there is a small difference, sometimes a reasonable one, between most -ve voltages - in theory (and in the practice measuring, for example, the Duet power input connections) reversing the tester probes should just give a -ve reading of what was being read, but...:
After moving the X axis AWAY from endstops (dir is +ve voltage now)
Voltage on expansion board connector, and on the driver connections:
With tester normal ... (R)eversed:
X ena -4.06 .... R 4.25 Driver -4.96 .... R 5.76
X dir 3.22 .... R -3.22 Driver 3.22 .... R -3.22
X pul -4.75 .... R 4.81 Driver -6.30 .... R 6.35Especially on the Enable, and more on the driver, there is a difference of 0.8v when I think there should not be! Again, when measuring a +ve voltage on the expansion board (dir), there is no difference on the driver, NOR if I reverse the tester probes (how it should be, and how it is also on the Duet power in).
Any ideas on how I can test this? Either disconnecting stuff or reading voltages between other parts? Or the chassis..? I have the feeling something is not right and maybe it is this which is causing the issue... not sure what else to try about the issue right now!
What exactly are you using to measure the voltages to the drivers?
@dc42 a multimeter.... I am measuring across each pair of cables, as indicated on the wiring diagram of the wiki of the expansion board, and the stepper has the connectors marked; enable, direction and pulse, first on the 6 wire connector on the expansion board, then touching the screw terminals of the connector of the same pair on the stepper driver.. first I was making sure I respect orientation of the multimeter (red probe to +ve, black to -ve), and then found that swapping these gave distinct results (instead of just a reversed value).
FWIW, I just tried something new, and issue still shows - I disconnected completely the external steppers on Z & U, and connected them straight to the Duet onboard drivers, on Z & E0, corrected config.g as needed, checked directions - machine works fine, except for when issue shows again...
Also, FWIW, as am not sure if now the issue seems slightly more intermittent than a few days ago (I think I mention that further up), now, instead of trying +/- 5mm (++++++, then -------, then ++++++, etc), as this seems to take longer for the issue to show, I am doing +/- 0.05mm, until I get a rough sound & rapid move (like the first videos), and then straight after do +5mm, and the U goes -5 whilst Z still goes +5...
I am ever more sure that there is an issue with negative or earthing on the machine, just don't know how to locate... FWIW (again!), I am actually changing to Duet, as on the original Chinese board the Z2 (U on Duet) connector on the logic board stopped working correctly, but to the point where it would not give any signal at all (tried swapping Z1 and Z2 connectors and which ever motor was connected to Z2 output did not move) - I had to end up piggybacking the Z2 connector on the Z1 connector just to be able to use the machine, but levelling was manually turning the Z2 motor leadscrew!:
as this was not acceptable in the long run, I opted to change main board to Duet... that and the fact I have much more control over the machine, have added a piezo z-probe, will be able to add more extruders, the laser filament extruder, etc...
Which firmware version are you using? I don't think I've asked yet.
@dc42 this board came with 1.21... the last board came with 1.19, and I upgraded to 1.21...
Me tinks maybe should downgrade? to 1.20? see what happens? this can be down I assume... not like iPhone where once gone up, cannot come down!Andy
I tried downgrading, but the board complains is missing Duet2Combined... even when I use a new micro SD with FW 1.19.2 loaded on the card!
@andymidtf said in dual Z motors, U "occasionally" goes crazy!?:
I tried downgrading, but the board complains is missing Duet2Combined... even when I use a new micro SD with FW 1.19.2 loaded on the card!
To downgrade from 1.21, rename the DuetWiFiFirmware.bin file you want to install to Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin.
Hi David,
So I have tried all FW from 1.19.2 up to 2.0RC2, all behave the same...
I have redone a few simple tests:- all drivers from onboard Duet drivers - issue still arises
- connecting both external z-motor drivers to 1 Duet external port, basically for the Duet there is now NO U motor, and both z-motors are controlled as one - pain for levelling, have to manually twist right leadscrew, but with this set up issue DISAPPEARS!
- went back to 2 external independent z-motors, U added, issue comes back.
the issue I am very sure has to do with Duet on board problems, however I still have the strong feeling that external EMI is causing these onboard problems, however I am still at a lose as to how to test this... there are many cables that run parallel, including 220v ac, 24v dc, and stepper motor cables, all together, and also the cables for the extruder motor, 2 always on fan, print fan, z-probe, heater and thermister, that run together for over 3m, via 2 cable chains on X and Y axis... this as well as the noted difference in voltages on the drivers, and the additional observation of distinct voltages when inverting the tester probes (only when the original ena,dir,pul voltages start out negative!! if they are +ve, like when dir is +ve, then there is NO difference inverting the probes, apart from the +/- sign itself!)
My next plan will be trying to re-cable the machine, cable by cable, outside of the chassis, until either all cables are hanging outside of the machine, and separated between them selves, or I find the pair that is affecting the machine!
Any other (better!) ideas are appreciated
Do you have a chamber heater configured? If so, check what happens if you disable it by never sending M141.
@dc42 No, there is no chamber heater configured... there IS a chamber heater, but it is completely independent (at the moment, I was thinking of later including control in the Duet), and is run by its own heater control.
I have M140 H-1 in config.g, so no instruction should be sent for bed/chamber anyway?cheers!