New Button for Printing Another.
It would be really useful if there was a "Print Another" button on the print status screen. I hacked one in and its been so useful that when printing a few of the same part you can just take the current print off the bed and hit the button. No more having to go back and search for the file etc.
Here's an example of my hacked up solution. On pressing the button I used the confirmation dialog to confirm a reprint. Obviously it should only appear when a print has finished not all the time like my bodge
Please detail how you performed the hack as shown, despite it not being a polished version with condition checking. Thanks in advance.
Hi jrlederer, thanks for your interest, I put the details of the changes and a copy of the two files pre-changed on
This is for the 1.14RC1 version of DWC, if you are running older or newer you would need to apply the change manually and sample code is on the gitgub readme.
Hope that helps.
I'll implement this in DWC 1.15.
Can this also be added when the print is cancelled? it would really be amazing during calibration tests.