Duet Ethernet Crash
Greetings - I have a duet ethernet which was supplied with the UltiBot D300VSP. Great printer, great controller. However, during a print yesterday, the controller crashed leaving the hot end in contact with the print and the heater remained powered on. The webgui was inaccessible. This is clearly a safety issue. I don't have the firmware version number handy at the moment but it's fairly recent. What can we do to 1) debug and 2) prevent this from occurring in the future?
After motion stopped, did the heater appear to be maintaining the set temperature correctly? Was the controller reporting the reading of the thermistor correctly?
Unknown as the webapp was down and I don't have the LCD connected so I wasn't able to examine the state of the controller. I manually lifted the effector and power cycled the controller. The PETG was molten so it was still at or around operational temperature. I'll post the firmware version when I get home. Do you know if there are any debug options that can be enabled and if there are any crash logs available?
Some combination of M929/M111/M114/M122 might do the trick.