Duet Ethernet Board seem to think it have Wifi Module
I have a Duet Ethernet board, I'm connect it to the PC with the USB only, I put the 2.02a firmware to the board in this manner:
I delete all lines of the network on the config.g file (M552 etc)
I connected to the board with RepetierHost and try to enable the network with M552 S1 P0.0.0.0 but I got this error all the time:
"M552: Bad or missing SSID"
I can't turn the Ethernet on, This is the M122 after I'm run M552 S0:19:44:39.807 : serial: M552 S1 P0.0.0.0
19:44:39.808 : Error: M552: Bad or missing SSID
19:44:39.809 : serial: M552 S0
19:44:39.810 : serial: M122
19:44:39.817 : === Diagnostics ===
19:44:39.817 : RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 2.02(RTOS) running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
19:44:39.817 : Board ID: 08DDM-9FAM2-LW4SD-6J9F2-3S86N-KLWRX
19:44:39.817 : Used output buffers: 1 of 20 (11 max)
19:44:39.817 : === RTOS ===
19:44:39.817 : Static ram: 25524
19:44:39.817 : Dynamic ram: 98436 of which 0 recycled
19:44:39.817 : Exception stack ram used: 280
19:44:39.817 : Never used ram: 6832
19:44:39.817 : Tasks: NETWORK(ready,1396) HEAT(blocked,948) MAIN(running,3760) IDLE(ready,200)
19:44:39.817 : Owned mutexes:
19:44:39.817 : === Platform ===
19:44:39.817 : Last reset 00:26:08 ago, cause: reset button or watchdog
19:44:39.817 : Last software reset time unknown, reason: Hard fault, spinning module Platform, available RAM 46604 bytes (slot 1)
19:44:39.817 : Software reset code 0x4030 HFSR 0x40000000 CFSR 0x00000400 ICSR 0x0440f803 BFAR 0xe000ed38 SP 0x200049c4 Task 0x4e49414d
19:44:39.818 : Stack: 00447339 20000032 81000000 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 a5a5a5a5 2000857c 0045f05c 2000857c 0044ba25 00000054 00000000 2000857c 0044b89d 2000857c 0045f05c a5a5a5a5 230020a4
19:44:39.818 : Error status: 0
19:44:39.818 : Free file entries: 10
19:44:39.818 : SD card 0 detected, interface speed: 20.0MBytes/sec
19:44:39.818 : SD card longest block write time: 0.0ms, max retries 0
19:44:39.818 : MCU temperature: min 35.9, current 36.4, max 36.4
19:44:39.818 : Supply voltage: min 0.6, current 0.6, max 0.6, under voltage events: 0, over voltage events: 0, power good: no
19:44:39.818 : Driver 0: ok, SG min/max not available
19:44:39.818 : Driver 1: ok, SG min/max not available
19:44:39.818 : Driver 2: ok, SG min/max not available
19:44:39.818 : Driver 3: ok, SG min/max not available
19:44:39.818 : Driver 4: ok, SG min/max not available
19:44:39.818 : Date/time: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
19:44:39.818 : Cache data hit count 3063926463
19:44:39.818 : Slowest loop: 0.25ms; fastest: 0.07ms
19:44:39.818 : I2C nak errors 0, send timeouts 0, receive timeouts 0, finishTimeouts 0
19:44:39.818 : === Move ===
19:44:39.818 : Hiccups: 0, StepErrors: 0, LaErrors: 0, FreeDm: 240, MinFreeDm: 240, MaxWait: 0ms, Underruns: 0, 0
19:44:39.818 : Scheduled moves: 0, completed moves: 0
19:44:39.818 : Bed compensation in use: none
19:44:39.818 : Bed probe heights: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19:44:39.818 : === Heat ===
19:44:39.818 : Bed heaters = -1 -1 -1 -1, chamberHeaters = -1 -1
19:44:39.818 : Heater 1 is on, I-accum = 0.0
19:44:39.818 : === GCodes ===
19:44:39.818 : Segments left: 0
19:44:39.818 : Stack records: 1 allocated, 0 in use
19:44:39.818 : Movement lock held by null
19:44:39.818 : http is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : telnet is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : file is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : serial is ready with "M122" in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : aux is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : daemon is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : queue is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : autopause is idle in state(s) 0
19:44:39.818 : Code queue is empty.
19:44:39.818 : === Network ===
19:44:39.818 : Slowest loop: 0.19ms; fastest: 0.00ms
19:44:39.818 : Responder states: HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) HTTP(0) FTP(0) Telnet(0) Telnet(0)
19:44:39.818 : HTTP sessions: 0 of 8
19:44:39.818 : - WiFi -
19:44:39.818 : Network state is starting
19:44:39.818 : WiFi module is disabled
19:44:39.818 : Failed messages: pending 0, notready 0, noresp 0
19:44:39.818 : Socket states: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0It's seems that that the board think it have Wifi Module instead of Ethernet Module.
I also copy to the SD/sys this files from the release of 2.02:
and this file from this release:
iap4e.binand tried to update with the M997 S0:1:2 command but the module still don't work/recognized.
It was worked before I tried to upgrade from 1.21 (If I remembered right), I first tried to upgrade from the web interface and when the the display show duplicated file/macro and I can't upgrade from the web interface anymore I tried the M997 method and after that the Erase etc.
This is what I get after M997 S0:
19:55:56.067 : serial: M997 S0
19:55:56.068 : Read 0 1 16384
19:55:57.618 : Read 0 1 20790
19:56:32.051 : No start signal detected - forcing start
19:56:32.055 : D
19:56:32.060 : FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.02(RTOS) ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-12-24b1
19:56:32.061 : X:0.000 Y:0.000 Z:0.000 E0:0.0 E1:0.0 E2:0.0 E3:0.0 E4:0.0 E5:0.0 E6:0.0 E7:0.0 E8:0.0 Count 0 0 0 Machine 0.000 0.000 0.000
19:56:32.063 : serial: T0
19:56:32.065 : serial: M20
19:56:32.065 : Read 0 1 16384
19:56:32.066 : Read 0 1 16640
19:56:32.067 : GCode files:
19:56:32.067 : NONE
19:56:32.067 : serial: M111 S6
19:56:32.069 : serial: T0
19:56:32.070 : serial: M80
19:57:12.081 : Communication timeout - reset send buffer block
19:57:12.083 : serial: M105
19:57:12.083 : serial: M552 S1
19:57:14.929 : serial: M105
19:57:17.991 : serial: M105
19:57:21.055 : serial: M105
19:57:23.634 : serial: M552 S1 P0.0.0.0
19:57:23.635 : Error: M552: Bad or missing SSID
19:57:24.112 : serial: M105
19:57:27.179 : serial: M105
19:58:07.206 : Communication timeout - reset send buffer block
19:58:07.207 : serial: M105
19:58:07.209 : serial: M552
19:58:07.209 : WiFi module is being startedWhat can I do to enable/use the Ethernet Module?
Is this a genuine UK-manufactured Duet Ethernet, or a clone? A genuine one should have failed testing unless it's an intermittent fault.
It's Original.
I'm sorry you have received a faulty board. I can see the problem from the top left corner of your second photo. On the back of the board, 3 of the pins of the sockets that the Ethernet module plugs into are not soldered. One of those pins is used by the firmware to detect that the Ethernet module is present. It must have been making contact when the board was tested.
You have a choice:
Ask your supplier to replace the Duet under warranty.
If you have a suitable soldering iron, you are familiar with anti static soldering precautions and you are confident in your ability, you may solder those 3 pins. Please use lead-free solder, in case you ever need to return your Duet.
Work like a charm! Thank you very much!
I'm glad you got it working. Once again, please accept my apologies for supplying you with a Duet that had a manufacturing fault.