lines on the LCD
Sometimes, without touching the printer, my 4.3" LCD shows only lines.
the printer continue to print without issue but also the network become unresposnive.I am running the last available firmware
The LCD cable was shortened to 20cm because the sceen is near the Duet board.
how can I solve this problem ?
thank you
Which LCD cable? The 40 pin one between the PanelDue and the LCD? Surely that wasn't longer than 20cm to begin with?
If you're talking about the 4 pin one between the Duet and the PanelDue then that is no problem, and wouldn't cause that symptom.
I'd examine the flexible cable/pcb thing between the LCD panel and the PCB for the LCD panel, then check the 40 pin cable is properly inserted.
both cable was shortened.the flexible cable also was shortned but i am not printing with external SD card, do you think this can still be an issue if not crimped well enough?
None of the cables between the Duet main board and the PanelDue will cause that problem.
Only the ribbon cable and flex cable on the PanelDue itself would result in something like that, or possibly firmware issues as well, but i think the latter is unlikely.
thank you, I will check this -
I have removed, cleaned with IPA and reinstered the yellowish flex cable.
Hope this will solve the lines problem, as always intermittent issues are hard to track down