Duet WiFi board open circuit on hotend
My Duet Wifi board seems to work brilliantly. Stepper motors move as expected, homing works, end stops work. Everything moves almost silently. Couldn't be happier.HOWEVER, no matter what I do I get an "open circuit" error whenever I connect the hotend wiring. I've bought and tried three different hotend/thermister sets. Still the same error. In frustration I bought another board (a Maestro) and wired that one up - and the hotend works wonderfully. Really impressed. Without touching the wiring on the printer itself, I wired up the WiFi board (power and hotend) and the same issue - "open circuit".
Any suggestions?
Please post your config.g file and let us know what thermistor you are using.
Here's my config.g file, together with a pic of the bag the thermister came in.
config.g -
Here's the problem, in config.g:
M305 P0 T9880 B4185 R4700
Change to: M305 P0 T100000 B3950
Similarly for the M305 P1 command. The B3950 is just a guess because the bag doesn't give the B value.