confuse with z home position
I'm a really newbie on this..
I have the printer almost ready...
(Hard work) almost hit the printer with a big... big... hammer...
But is OK now..
My doubt is how to change the z home position..
I need that the z 0 to be in the top of the bed and not in the top of the printer...
Ex homing :
X0 Y0 Z357 (this is what I want to home the axis of the printer)
And when move Z 0 this goes to the top of the bed...
How can I do that?
I search maybe wrong way... but I could not find nothing...Regards
i would suggest that you recreate the config using the configurator and select z homes a max instead of min.
Otherwise you will need to change the homing files to change the direction of the moves in z direction and change the config.g M574 command to tell it z homes at max.
Later going to try...